====== RPI - Vidéo ====== EDITEUR / INTERPRETEUR IDLE (programming idel python 3) lancer un programme depuis Python http://stackoverflow.com/questions/89228/calling-an-external-command-in-python http://elinux.org/Omxplayer https://learn.adafruit.com/raspberry-pi-video-looper/omxplayer To use omxplayer you'll want to make sure your video is encoded with an H.264 codec and is in a file format like .avi, .mov, .mkv, .mp4, or .m4v. If you have a video in a different format or that won't play you convert it into an H.264 video easily with some free tools. For converting a video to H.264 that omxplayer can play I recommend the Handbrake video transcoder tool. This tool is available for free for Windows, Mac, and Linux machines, and has a relatively simple interface omxplayer /opt/vc/src/hello_pi/hello_video/test.h264 Control - C pour terminer SCRIPT #1 - subprocess import subprocess subprocess.call(['omxplayer --alpha 100 test.mkv'], shell=True) SCRIPT #2 - os import os TheCommand ="omxplayer /opt/vc/src/hello_pi/hello_video/test.h264" os.system(TheCommand) SCRIPT #3 - argument import os import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("val", help="transparency", type=int) args = parser.parse_args() os.system("omxplayer --alpha args.val /opt/vc/src/hello_pi/hello_video/test.h264") SCRIPT #4- keyboard import os val = input("Ready ? ") print type(val) os.system("omxplayer --alpha " + str(val) + " /opt/vc/src/hello_pi/hello_video/test.h264") SCRIPT #5- keyboard (mieux) import os val = input("Transparence ? ") val2 = 90 command = "omxplayer --alpha {} --orientation {} /opt/vc/src/hello_pi/hello_video/test.h264".format(val, val2) os.system(command)